Monthly Virtual Crit Night

First Wednesday of Every Month

The Akin Member Virtual Crit Night is an exclusive online event designed for Akin studio members and members of the public. Join us on Google Meet to connect, share your creative work, and receive valuable feedback within a supportive community.

Date: First Wednesday of Every Month

Time: 7:30pm-9:00pm

Location: Google Meet (Link provided upon registration)

To Register:

Please note that there's a capacity of 15 attendees each month. If we hit capacity, current Akin members will be prioiritized for participation.

At this event, participants will have the opportunity to present their work and gain insights from fellow artists. To present, simply sign up during the event using the chat. Presenters will be allotted 10-20 minutes each to showcase their work and receive feedback from the group. Presentation opportunities will be first-come-first-served. 

More information:

What is a Crit Night?  A "crit" is short for "critique," is a constructive discussion where artists come together to share their artwork and receive feedback from their peers. It's a valuable opportunity to gain fresh perspectives, insights, and suggestions that can help improve and refine your artistic work. Crits are typically supportive, focused on growth, and provide a platform for artists to engage in thoughtful discussions about their creations.

Akin Code of Conduct: All participants are expected to adhere to the Akin Code of Conduct. Please familiarize yourself with it by clicking here.

Engaging Conversations: Whether you're showcasing new work or not, you're welcome to participate in the discussions. Share your thoughts, provide feedback, and become an integral part of our artistic community.

Effective Feedback: Artists seeking feedback are encouraged to specify the type they're looking for. Those providing feedback are asked to frame their comments as suggestions rather than judgments. Let's support each other's growth and successes.

Hosted by Theresa Slater & Sofia Berger: The event will be hosted by Theresa Slater, an artist and Akin Dupont Member and Sofia Berger an artist and alumni of the Akin X Collision Gallery Studio Program. Learn more about Theresa and Sofia on their websites:

Join us! Share your artistic journey, receive motivation, and hold yourself accountable by engaging with fellow artists. Let's foster an environment of growth and support as we come together to celebrate creativity. We hope to see you there!